Publication date: 26 May 2023

The Environmental Impact of Air Travel: What You Need to Know

The challenges and solutions for the environmental impact of flights.

The Challenges

Global Warming

Airplanes emit greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in the atmosphere during take off, landing and cruise phases, contributing to global warming. GHG emissions are generated as airplanes engines burn jet fuel. 1

  • 1.9% of GHG (Greenhouse Gas emissions, which includes all greenhouse gases, not only CO2)
  • Greater impact of high altitude emissions

“Fly net zero carbon by 2050” is the commitment of the airlines . To achieve this, they start to use or will use more sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs : from plants, recycled cooking oil, household waste, renewable energy),Flight efficiencies through infrastructure and operation, and offsetting in carbon capture technology. 3

Waste Generation

On average, each airline produces approximately

  • 3,500 tonnes of non-hazardous waste, consisting of items like food, packaging, and other materials.
  • 200 tonnes of hazardous waste.

According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), airlines worldwide generated a staggering 5.7 million tonnes of cabin waste, with up to 80.5% of it being leftover food and beverages. 2, 5

Noise Pollution

There are health consequences of elevated sound levels including hearing impairment, hypertension, sleep disturbance, increased risks of high blood pressure… Airplanes can be very noisy during take-off, landing or taxiing. Therefore regulations for noise reduction have progressively become more demanding. Over the past six decades, engine noise has significantly decreased due to advancements in engine types, acoustic liners, and noise technologies. Airports have set rules for decreasing noise in neighbourhoods. 4

The Solutions

Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs)

Sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) are renewable (often made from waste or biomass) and low-carbon alternatives to conventional jet fuels.

Waste Generation

Airlines can offset their emissions through programs.

ICAO CORSIA is a global program aimed at offsetting and reducing CO2 emissions from international aviation. 6